Grimoire (Grim'wa:r)

An integral part of any wizard's arsenal is their Grimoire, a useful tool which can be used to elevate or supplement their Magical abilities, but it is not crutch and should be treated as an addition not the primary focus

Created by Khali Crawford

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Let us say you desire to store a 4 Trigram Spell of Defending in your Grimoire, what do you do? First, you completely draw out and create the 4 Trigrams in the pages of your Grimoire and cast them within the book. This is you telling the Grimoire what spell this is, what it does, and storing the exact amount of energy it will need to cast it perfectly. Later on in battle you may find that you need this spell, so summon your Grimoire, pull this complex spell from its pages and cast it, and boom, a high-level defense spell that cost you no Magical Energy whatsoever.   The Grimoire stores both the Spell itself and the magical energy needed to cast it. With a Grimoire, you could store an extremely complex and powerful Spell and use it whenever you want later in combat at virtually no cost to yourself. So, you may be tempted to come and rely too heavily on a Grimoire, but you need to keep in mind that once a spell is cast from a Grimoire, it cannot be used again until you recast the same spell in the Grimoire. Think of it as a battery, using it once drains its power and it will need to be recharged, so to speak, if you want to continue. So, exercise caution when using it.   Weapons and Items work similarly, they must first be imprinted onto the Grimoire pages and an image of it will appear on the page it is stored. However, it cost no magic to store items so you can call on and summon them as much as you want. But, if an item is not retired to the Grimoire unless you go to retrieve it again, it will not be available later.

Manufacturing process

To Make Your Grimoire!

After fathering the correct components, you will need to make pages out of the Khindorii Parchment and wrap them in the face and back of the Grimoire made from Enchanted Leather. Next, the book will need to actually be Enchanted, as, with a Starsaber, this process is very important and cannot be undone when done so be sure you know what you are doing. Normally, you want a few basic Warding & Protection Enchantments to defend against thieves stealing it and getting into all your secrets.


Using Sigils & Spells demands the exposure of Magical Energy, meaning each Spell you can cast will aid you in combat will decrease your own Magical Energy reserves until you run out and need to recover. And thus, enter a Grimoire, a magical book that can store pre-made spells, and using them costs you no energy of your own. Grimoires can store more pages than what they appear to hold but can only hold so many spells at a time, depending on which type of gram it is. For example, you would be able to hold more Monogram spells than you could Decagram spells, all depending on your Grimoire of course.
Outside of Spells, Grimoires can be used to store items and weapons, like indigents and swords, also restricted to the same limits of Spells. You can reasonably hold more herbs than you can long great swords.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Item type
Book / Document
Nearly all accomplished Wizards carry a Grimoire of varying capabilities on themselves at any given point in time.
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
  • Khindorii Parchment ( Used as the paper for the Grimoire and capable of actively storing Spells & items
  • Enchanted Leather (A rough and course material which makes the Grimoire extremely durable and damage resistant)

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS