Sigils & Spells

Base Magic is raw power and Majikal Arts is mastery of Magic, then Sigils & Spells is the method linking the two together, the middle point between raw incontrollable magic and the refined skill of a Warrior!

Created by Khali Crawford


Sigils are a type of symbol used in magic, usually being very simple in design and used to convert or represent factors of reality like time or fire. They are symbols given power by your own Magical Energy. Sigils can vary from species to species but most generally practice a basic set of Sigils but not always. To perform Majik, these Sigils must be invoked, usually drawn out.  

Spell Formation

Sigils can be invoked on their own but this process is tedious and slow, usually only practiced by a novice. One step further is a Spell, which is a series of Sigils used to achieve a certain result. A spell is mere detailed and allows for greater flexibility but is far more suspectable to loopholes than a basic and simple Sigil.   Spells are considered a type of chart and are broken into 10 types, from a Monogram to a Decagram. As the names imply, each Spell has a certain limit to how many Sigils it can house. This is for safe practice but you are not limited to only using 10 Sigils at the highest level. Many skilled magic users will group Sigils together and link them together.   An example of this is the 7 Decagram Barrier of Sealing, which contains 7 separate Spells, each Spell holding 10 Sigils which are all arranged and manipulated to work in tandem with each other. This Spell is 7x as defenseless to loopholes but because of its complexity, even an experienced Spell-Breaker would need a few weeks to crack it. Something else to keep in mind is that all things exist in pairs, as nature intended, and so does Majik. Unbalanced magical equations are weaker than balanced equations.   So, the 12 Hexagram Point Break is far more secure than a 13 Hexagram Point Break spell. If possible, it is always better to balance your spells, it ensures greater defense against Spell-Breakers and is just good practice.
  • Monogram - Spells that allow for (1) Sigil
  • Digram - Spells that allow for (2) Sigils
  • Trigram - Spells that allow for (3) Sigils
  • Quadgram - Spells that allow for (4) Sigils
  • Pentagram - Spells that allow for (5) Sigils
  • Hexagram - Spells that allow for (6) Sigils
  • Septagram - Spells that allow for (7) Sigils
  • Octagram - Spells that allow for (8) Sigils
  • Nongram - Spells that allow for (9) Sigils
  • Decagram - Spells that allow for (10) Sigils


When looking at a completed Spell, there are three components;  
  1. The Sigils themselves
  2. The Array which dictates how many Sigils it can hold
  3. Old Speak, an ancient language of scribbles used to connect it all
For example, let's assume we need a 3 Trigram Spell for a super fireball. You will need to create 3 Trigram arrays, each of the 3 arrays with 3 open circular location where a Sigil can be placed, totaling out to be 9 Sigils in total. Each array must be made separately and the order in which you put down your Sigils is also imperative. Now all you have is 3 Trigram arrays but they need to be connected with the Old Speak, a language of scribbles which act as precise instructions and connect the Arrays together. Depending on their complexity and purpose, some Spells can take up an entire Grimoire on their own while others  can fit entirely onto one page alone.  

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Material Components
Drawing out a Spell with 10 Sigils, 7 times in the middle of a fight is not ideal and so many spells are prepared before a battle for quick access. Some keep spells in Grimoires, magical books that allow you to pull Spells written not pages and cast them immediately whilst some use other magical artifacts.
Gestures & Ritual
Sigils and Spells must be drawn out if not aided by a Grimoire or other Magical tool or artifact. This is accomplished by performing hand movements in the air, bringing the Magic to life via your own Magical Energy.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS