Throne World

Created & Written by Khali A. Crawford


A Throne Worlds are pocket dimensions, Realms created by the Kōri of especially powerful and skilled Mages. Once created, Throne Worlds can be used to serve virtually any purpose that the Worldmaster needs. This can range from aiding in the defeat of enemies, supercharging one's own magical energy to even cheating Death herself. These realms are only limited by the skill of the Mage creating them.   One trait all Throne Worlds share is the effect or boost they have for the Worldmaster and nerf for their victims or enemies. This effect can be anything from cutting an enemy's Kori in half to an environmental buff for the Worldmaster.

Side/Secondary Effects

  • One must spend a significant amount of Kōri to summon or return to their Throne Wolrd, and likewise to trap another in it.
  • While Throne WOlrds seems o empower the Worldmaster, it always leaves a loophole for the victim to find a way out of.


Throne Worlds manifest as literal Realms that exist on the many infinite branches of Yggdrasil. However, how they literally manifest when entered depends on many things, primarily the Worldmaster's state of mind and the purpose of the Throne World. If an arrogant nobleman were to make a Throne World, it might appear as a massive lush landscape with a great palace filled with servants waiting on hand and foot on him. Likewise, if a Hunter sought to chase their victims, their World may manifest as an infinite forest filled with exotic and dangerous animals to add to the hunt. It depends on the Mage and what they plan to do with it.

Grandmaster SixPathsSage

Khali Crawford


Applied Restriction
If a Mage has been trapped in another Mage's Throne World, there are only 3 ways out of the said situation. 1) simply escape, if possible, although it usually isn't. 2) Defeat the Mage who cast this Technique and you will automatically be ejected from the Throne World. 3) Encase their Throne World in your own Throne World and hopefully you can overpower them.

Creative Sources

Compiled list of (free) sites, tools, and links I use for various assets or art in SEVEN SEALS