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Beatrice's Bountiful Bazaar

What started as a small market place eventually evolved into a full town. Founded by Beatrice Balthazar Bertram the second, the town is a large mix of cobblestone buildings and odd tents and. The city has a sort of temporary permanence about it. The town is most known for its vast market place that makes up most of its territory, the market place is made up of mostly traveling merchants who come to set up shop for a limited time, it's this come and go attitude that makes the town so popular with both traveling merchants and adventurers. Seeing the same shop keeper two weeks in a row is rare because of the hustle and bustle of the town, although if you do see the same face often it is most likely because they are an avid member of the Merchant Guild which has a great deal of sway over the towns laws and upkeep.




The government stays afloat with %8.67 sales tax made with each purchase made by buyers in the town's marketplace. It's permanent installations also tax also suffer the same tax but extracting from the patron instead.


The town's defense's consists of Avalonian guards, however, some merchants will bring their own hired mercenaries and some of these mercenaries will find work within the town. These mercenaries are even known to be promoted to pretty high positions such as Kragen, Stonetosser: Beatrice's lead bodyguard.

Industry & Trade

The town is a massive trade center. Its main income comes from its taxes on sales, as well as charging fees for temporary shop installments.


Trade hub.
The population varies constantly but usually flats out at around 2,000 people at one time.
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization


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