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King Johannes XXI

King Johannes XXI is the last of his lineage, his wife died at a young age leaving him alone with a son and a daughter. His son Xavier was stolen at a young age, presumed dead, all Johannes had left was presumably his daughter Clara. He kept Clara at an arm's length at all times. Overly protective was an understatement. If Clara wanted to go out shopping she would b accompanied by 15 town's guards and one high ranking military officer. Despite the hassle, things weren't as horrible as they could be... until the fated doppelganger incursion. They wiped out half the kingdom and most of the high ranking officials of said kingdom. Including the unfortunate murder and replacement of Clara. Some say the king went mad that day, he swore vengeance on all who could change their physical shape. Today he continues to lead an inquisition against doppelgangers. Unfair trials based on rumored habits. Men women and even children burned at the stake for fear of infiltration.

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