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Vadris Broadshoulder

The Destroyer Vadris I don't know Broadshoulder

The large imposing orc stands tall. His eyes are piercing, his mouth grimaced. He gives off an immense presence of hate and anger. To call him tall would be a disservice to his stature. To call him muscular would be disrespectful to his hulking form. His only appeared weakness (if it could be called that) is what appears to be a missing arm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vadris was born to a small clan to his father Badur and his mother Varka. From a young age, Vadris had a short temper: As a baby, he would smash anything small enough to be smashed. As a child, he would challenge every other child to combat and engage regardless of their compliance. It wasn't until his teen years when Vadris decided he wanted more than murder, he wanted to become something bigger. Vadris dreamed of a unified world, free of the disgusting creatures Vadris grew so used to decapitating on a daily bases. He figured if everyone was the same and all listened to the same person (namely him) the world would function better. As an adult, Vadris decided he had had enough of the menial labor. And decided to go after the thrown of the controlling faction of Kaineth. But before he could embark on this endeavor something unforeseen had happened. Vadris's first and only son, Badur, was born. when the child was young, Vadris would fawn over his young one. He would cradle and swaddle him as a baby, he would teach him old legends as a child. It was enough to postpone his plans for domination. But much to Vadris' dismay as the child grew the more distant he became and the more Badur would question the clan's ways. The breaking point came when Badur was 16. Vadris had discovered his one and only son had fallen in love with a Nayad of all things. Vadris promptly tracked down and murdered it, there.. in front of his son. In a fit of rage, Badur attacked his mountain of a father. They fought for what seemed like hours but despite his son's best efforts, he could not break his defense. Badur extending his maximum strength was able to rip off his father's arm. Realizing what he had done Badur Broadshoulder ran away, and Vadris hasn't seen his son since. Maybe out of anger, maybe out of lack of patience, Vadris immediately sought to grow his clan's numbers. It didn't take long to get the whole isle of Kaineth to roll over. Vadris, now king of Kaineth, sets his sights on the Maelstrom.

Gender Identity




Accomplishments & Achievements

Achieved the title of war chief at 22. Became the ruler of Kaineth at 50.

Failures & Embarrassments

Lost a fight with his son at 48.

Mental Trauma

Extreme xenophobia.

Intellectual Characteristics

Tactical and barbaric in nature.

Morality & Philosophy

The world would be a better place if one man (me) ruled over all.
Neutral Evil
Kaineth is the small orc settlement known as filth
Piercing yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Greenish Grey
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Orcish and Common
Ruled Locations


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