A Wizard's Guide to Finding Love and Lasting Devotion ---sc24

It's not witchcraft, it's wizardry

A Wizard's Guide to Finding Love and Lasting Devotion
Dr. Oxfedius Dunkin
        "I'm telling you he did not write it! No man, especially not a wizard!, would ever wax poetic about finding love and devotion!" an angry Albertine Urnesto insisted as she kneaded a triple batch of bread dough for the evening's dinner.   Urusla nodded at Mrs. Urnesto who was both a wizard and a cook. She was very good at both. As any worthwhile cook, she poured her love and warmth and care into her food. As any worthwhile wizard, she also added a kick of inspiration and curiousity and gumption. Sadly, Mrs. Urnesto was the only wizard Priscilla knew who poured love and warmth into anything. Wizards cared about many things but love and warmth were lacking.   But, in the interest of literary integrity, and a devotion to her own cause, she held up the back of the book and said, "but it does show his picture and it says, 'Dr. Dunkin has spent his life studying the interplay of wizard courting and assures us, 'wizards do things differently and once you see these small details you'll never look at wizard relationship the same. I promise.' Dr. Dunkin has helped thousands of wizards embrace love and alchemy."   "Ha! Love and alchemy? There's no such thing for a wizard!" Mrs. Urnesto pounded into the bread.   Urusla winced. Normally, the cook was gentler with the dough because she liked a lighter texture. So did Ursula. "You're probably right," she hastened to backtrack. No need to punish her stomach later over a silly book. "It's just that he's very handsome," and Mrs. Urnesto desreved a warm and loving wizard.   "Now don't go leaving with it!" the cook said before throwing the dough into a bowl to rise.   Ursula let out a breath of relief. The bread wouldn't be too heavy, dinner was saved.   Cook wiped and washed her hands. "Just because I don't think he wrote it doesn't mean theres not something good in it. He's right they do things different. If it was actually him who said that in the first place." She took the book from Urusla. "Hhmmm," she said with a goodly amount of impressed. "He is handsome." She opened the book and turned away.
Guide, How-to


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