Baldasarre Vargosie

The Heartless

A HISTORICAL FIGURE STILL VENERATED TODAY, AND WHY   Cold, arrogant, uncompromising. These are the kindest terms associated with Baldasarre Vargosie. A centuries old vampire born of the Imperial Royal Vampire House, Baldasarre spent his formative years training and travelling with his father. A violent uprising left him orphaned and in the care of the new King. at the same time as his was struck by a tragic magical enchantment in which he lost his heart.   A vampire assassin who works for the Imperial Royal Vampire House. Born of imperial royal house blood. Baldasarre trained next to his father in assassin techniques. by the age of 14 young Baldasarre was already showing promise as a mass executioner with a true love for the work. it was after a tragic magical enchantment that he lost his heart and truly embraced life as an assassin, an executioner, and an exactor of Imperial Royal House justice. Countless lives have been impacted by his actions and the actions of the High Council of the Imperial Royal Vampire House. He's proud of his work and the work he's done to keep the vampire name honorable. Vampires of all houses speak of him with awe and wonder. His name is legend. Unclaimed brides are enchanted by him want to be claimed by him. All vampires fear him. his name is used to keep children in line. roughly translated to, "if you do not listen/do your chores the heartless will take your heart before it beats again with love and forever you shall roam the earth pitiful like him." It's sounds better in Vampire.   Now, he is free from his duties in the Imperial Royal Vampire Court and in search of the ones who stole what is rightfully his. It is with righteous superiority, dignity, honor, and pure deadly focus that he will regain his rightful place among the vampires.       he plays the piano, organ, and any other keyboard type instruments including the Vampire version of the piano. he's a maestro. he plays for hours and hours a night. people come to see him and his men will shake their heads, "he's playing."   he usually plays a dark beethoeven type of music or when he finally meets elinor, upbeat beethoven. he composes an orchestra for her.
The Vargosie name is a sacred and honored name throughout Vampire cultures. It has a long and venerable history. When Vampires began moving to the New World they added an "E" to the end to distinguish themselves and their new beginings.   Trace the orgins Vargosie


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