Ladies Night ---sc24

Ladies' Night Moments with Myrtle
Moment 1:   "Stop!" myrtle yelled.   Drunk as a whole lot of witches and a couple dragons tended to get on ladies night, a group of witches and a couple dragons stopped what they were doing and teetered on tiny, heeled shoes to blearily stare at their favorite dragon.   "you don't lift with your legs. You lift with your ass." Myrtle instructed before quickly turning and calling out, "Donkey!"   Two seconds later a young, big, male dragon was at her side. She smiled and pointed and then watched with pride as he lifted the heavy carriage and several more big male dragons raced over to replace the wheel.   Myrtle looked at the girls with scorn and shook her head with disappointment and said, "Lifting with your legs? That's how a gal gets hurt. Think ladies, please."     Moment 2:   "Hey! stop doing that!" Agrathica demanded. "I have to pay extra for witch on ogre action and I just had it live for free."   Elinor rolled her eyes. "You need help, Aggie. Myrtle, will you please school her?"   myrtle sighed. "Never, never! pay extra for what you should be getting for free. go to wwi.dirtykinkynasty.witchy and enter code: freeWoOG-mrmy. you will get free Witch on Ogre."   "Nice!" Aggie, and several others in the group, quickly wrote the code in their mini books of shadows.   "It's my affiliate code so, you know, spread it around."   "That's not what I meant, myrtle," Elinor grumbled.   "WoOg?" Daisy, a garden witch who should know better asked with such innocence that multiple people snickered. including Mrytle when she answered.   "Witch-on-Ogre." Myrtle explained and then quickly clarified, "make sure it's witch on ogre." She didn't want to scare her, "not ogre on witch." Myrtle cleared her throat, "that site is a little different."   The snickering burst into drunken gales of laughter.


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