Letters from The Wicked Witch to Harmonia

Harmonia Gerard was used to the terrifying tactics used by the Wicked Witch to get what she wanted. She'd been raised harboring resentment for the Wicked Witch and spent a life holding back and holding down emotions, too young and too powerless to do much more. As an adult she'd worked through most of them, knowing that it benefited her to face her old fears and angers and annoyances and step forward in life without the haunting specter of what the Wicked Witch represented overtaking her and menacing her future.   It was because of her long association with the Wicked Witch, and her dedication to feeling good no matter what the Witch said or did, that brought her to this moment.   A moment, not in fear, but in courage was she able to look her sisters in the eye and say, "told you," while she showed them the latest of a long line of menacing scripts on her scry-phone.   "My god," Lyra Gerard, youngest most easily fired up by the bonds of injustice and tyranny, breathed out. "She's relentless."   Harmonia nodded. The Wicked Witch did not take "no" as an answer unless she, herself, was the one giving it.   Ethereal Bliss Gerard, eldest, read the script and winced. "She'll be coming for me next, no doubt."   Harmonia nodded. "More than likely."   "Damn it, I knew this day would come."   "She can't be allowed to just treat us like this! I mean we have rights. Right?"   "Who are you going to tell?" Harmonia asked her little sister. "The Fairy Godmother? She's ineffectual."   Thera snorted a laugh that told everyone how ineffectual she thought the term "ineffectual" was at describing how truly ineffectual the Fairy Godmother was in this particular situation. There was only so much hand wringing a woman could do to "help".   "The Dungeon Master?" Harmonia continued. "He's--"   "Don't!" Lyra burst out, red faced and fists in tight balls at her sides. "It's disgusting."   Both Harmonia and Thera nodded. They agreed. It was gross.   "We're on our own in this," Harmonia stated. None of them were safe and they knew it. It as only a matter of time before the Wicked Witch got what she wanted, regardless of who it impacted in the process. Harmonia picked up her scry-phone and looked again at the damning message and shivered.     "No place to hide, little girl. Your time is up. I'm sending a Huntsmen."


To inform
Text, Letter
Crystal, Magical


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