music --Baldasarre's organ

One of Baldasarre the Heartless' many instruments. The ancient vampire specializes in keyboards and the like, but he also dabbles in strings. This particular organ is one he likes to play while in his uncle's dungeon torturing prisoners. Playing it brings him a geat sense of peace.
"Where is he?"
"I am sorry, Your Grace. He is still playing."
"Still? It's been hours! This is nonesense! I'm not waiting any longer."
"I wouldn't suggest going in there, sir. He's starting the allegro, should only be another hour."
"Arg! This is intolerable. I wanted those prisoners for my banquet tonight. They were perfect. Now they will be too tired and over-tortured before the entertainment of torture beven begins. There is no joy in the torture if the victims are too tired to properly appreciate the pain. I will need different prisoners. And try and get prisoners that match tonight's theme, please."
"Of course, Your Grace. I shall inform Baldasarre of the changes after he's completed his symphony."
Item type
Musical Instrument


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