
The Dwarves hail from the mountains of the @Khel. A short, stocky and hardy folk, their presence in the north has become rarer and rarer as the dwarven kingdoms of the mountain have slowly fallen silent, with only the Dwarves of Khel Doran being seen beyond the range in 201IE.  

Dwarves of Khel Doran

The Dwarves of Khel Doran are renowned across the world for their mines and metal work, as well as feared for their elite warriors. Khel Doran is the last great Dwarven stronghold left in the world, surviving by trading minerals with the Human Nations and fielding elite mercenary companies for Holzreich. Khel Doran is governed by a council of Clan Leaders, a system of governance that leads to spikes in internal political unrest on occasion.   Variants: Clan Deepmine, Clan Smeltore, Clan Waraxe, Clan Forgeshield
Geographic Distribution