Session 3: Drums, Drums in the Deep Report

General Summary

Ghost arrives at the Deep Gate and warns the Dwarves of the incoming danger. A Dwarven scout named Shawty follows Ghost back into the caverns along with a soldier of Clan Warraxe.   Meanwhile, the party defends chokepoints in the caverns from an onslaught of an unidentified faction of dwarves, bearing strange runes and tattoos. The party holds off the offensive as Ghost and Shawty arrive to reinforce them. Vanya began to retreat back towards Khel Doran, with Ghost and Shawty holding off the enemy's attempts to intercept her. As this occurs, Alak Duragga encounters a tall, decaying goat headed creature and engages it.   As Vanya successfully disengages, she encounters Torrieg leading a Clan Waraxe warband into battle. As Grusvar of Clan Brynjar comes to Alak's aid and slays the demon, Torrieg's dwarves crash into the enemies flank.   After defeating the attackers, Ghengis and Meandril successfully identify the spirtual markings of their attackers as belonging to the Chort Uygulaan. Torrieg reveals to Alak, Grusvar and Schmer that the Dwarves of Khel Doran have been fighting against this enemy for centuries and rewards them with 150 gold pieces for their efforts. Torrieg asks the party what he should call their company, and they answer The Keepers of the Gate.

Rewards Granted


Character(s) interacted with

The Adventuring Degenerates
Report Date
08 Apr 2022
Primary Location
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