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Arcane Order

Learning the mysteries of magic can be quite the hazardous undertaking. In ancient times, many aspiring mages would simply die of embarrassment from losing their fingers and toes before they had even acquired the basic skills of magic. To help fix this problem schools were built and students were finally able to learn magic properly. However, a new problem began to arise: Who would regulate mages?A select group of mages banded together to answer this question, and thus the Arcane Order was born.   Bringing order from chaos- that is the mission of the Arcane Order. Without the extensive legal code crafted and enforced by the Order, Orsus would crumble, mages would go rampant and do whatever they please. The Arcane Order carries this weight and responsibility with pride, and they perform their work of legislation, investigation, and enforcement with steely determination.  

Court System

The Arcane Order is supported by three branches, called courts, each led by an arbiter. The arbiters of the three courts form the Triumvirate, which advises the guildmaster, Supreme Arbiter Tymac.  
Court of Prosecution
This court consists of judges and the extensive legal apparatus surrounding them. It is tasked with the prosecution, and sentencing of accused creatures, or spellcasters in trials presided over by a Judge. The many-leveled hierarchy of this court includes: Arbiter, Judges, Prosecutors, Advocates, and Scribes.  
Court of Enforcement
This court consist of arresters and an extensive arsenal that arms them. It is tasked with the tracking and subdual of wanted criminals, and the investigation of crime scenes. The many-leveled hierarchy of this court includes: Arbiter, Arresters, Inquisitors, Law mages, and Recruits.  
Court of Law
This court consist of law writers and an extensive library that houses every law ever written. It is tasked with writing and enacting the laws of the Order. It involves the efforts of not just the designated legislators, but a network of bureaucrats: Arbiter, Senators, Librarians, Sribes, Researchers, and Clerks.  

Arcane Order Beliefs

The Arcane Order embraces the belief that the world has controlledimplementationIn the minds of the Orders members, the threat of chaos is imminent. They believe it is time to face facts and do whatever is necessary to protect the people at any cost. The Order, as always, see magic users that oppose them as their greatest enemies.


Rank 1: Official
Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the Arcane Order.   As a Arcane Order official, you can call on recruits (use the soldier stat block) to perform mundane tasks and errands for you, but they will not accompany you into dangerous circumstances.    No Arcane Order official lives in poverty. Between adventures, you earn a salary that supports you at a modest lifestyle.  
Rank 2: Authority
Prerequisite: Rank 1 and renown 10 or higher in the Arcane Order.   You are recognized as an authority in your field. At the start of each mission you undertake on the guild’s behalf, you can secure the assistance of a squad of 1d4 arresters (use the soldier stat block) plus one lawmage (use the lawmage stat block). These individuals remain with you until the mission ends.   Between adventures, you earn enough money pursuing your duties to support yourself at a comfortable lifestyle.  
Rank 3: Arrestor, Judge, or Senator
Prerequisite: Rank 2 and renown 25 or higher in the Arcane Order   Your new title depends on your broader interests as they relate to one of the three courts of the Arcane Order, not on the titles you bore as an official authority:   • If your interests lie in law enforcement, you become an a Arrester within the Court of Enforcement.   • If your interests concern the judiciary, you become a Judge within the Court of Prosecution.   • If you want a position on the legislative body of the Court of Law, you become a Senator.   Regardless of your specific title, you can secure the aid of up to 3d4 soldiers and one or two lawmages whenever you set out on a guild-approved mission.   Between adventures, your responsibilities to the guild — including supervising arresters, judging legal cases, or writing laws — earns you enough money to support yourself at a wealthy lifestyle.  
Rank 4: Arbiter
Prerequisite: Rank 3 and renown 50 or higher in the Arcane Order.   As an Arbiter, you serve as the head of your court. Only Supreme Arbiter Tymac, can appoint you to this position, and only if one of the three existing arbiters leaves his service.   As an arbiter, all the resources of your court are at your disposal, and you have the ear of Tymac as a member of his advisory Triumvirate. You also keep the salary you earned as a arrester, judge, or senator, sustaining a wealthy lifestyle between adventures.
Guild, Militaristic
Supreme Arbiter Tymac

Arcane Order Tenets

  • Never succumb to the temptation of weaving Aether in a way that would unnecessarily​ harm others.
  • Do not willingly harm the innocent while in pursuit of providing judgment.
  • Punishment cannot be dispensed unfairly, all are entitled to the right to a fair trial.
  • Never misuse Aether for your own personal gain.

Notable NPCs

Arrester Zlog, the Bone Splitter

A gray skinned male Kijin, Zlog is one of the most ruthless arresters in the Guild. Once a criminal hunted by the Order, he is now one ot their most ruthless arrester. Fully commited to the cause, Zlog has never lost his mark and is known for his more ruthless methods.

Supreme Arbiter Tymac

A tan skinned male Half-Elf, Tymac is a charasmatic guildmaster who believes in results. Laws are not meant to be broken, but they can be bent if the situation requires it. To Tymac, the ends justify the means as chaos and unchecked weaving cannot be allowed to florish.


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