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Emerald Conclave

To be apart of the conclave is to believe in the idea of the natural cycle of nature. The conclave doesn't tolerate selfishness or ambition, instead urging its members to put the needs of others ahead of their own desires and to use the power of nature—including nature's wrath—to drive away those whose selfishness threatens the natural cycle.   Members of the conclave can be found in or around their outpost, grown and crafted from the local flora in the area. While the Emerald Conclave is seen as ruthless protectors, they are also very hospitable. It is not unheard of for memebers to share a meal with both friend or foe, as each is a necessary part of the natural cyle. Additionally, they are on the lookout for danger or travelers who have gotten themselves into trouble. As there is always more than just the local flora and fauna to worry about in the wild.  


The Emerald Conclave is divided into three branches, called circles, each lead by a votta. The votta of the three branches are watched over by the dryad Pinera, who spends most of her time communing with nature. Those who wish to join the guild are called saprolings, and usually come to the conclave as children to be trained. While others are recruited from other communities.  


Gaurdians have been trained on how to utilize their abilities to protect the nature around them. Many are skilled warriors or ex adventurers, that seek to put their skills to use for good and stand up for something. The life of a protector is long and wary, due to the ever vigilant nature of their duty.  


Cultivators have been trained to heal the nature around them, and to commune with it. Many cultivators are druids that long for a community with similiar mindsets. Many have made the mistake of viewing cultivators as weak, until an army of plants warriors grow to protect them.  


Speakers are those well versed in diplomacy, bartering, and barganing to help protect or perseve the beauty of nature. Many Speakers are former politicians, nobles, or even a stray bard inspiried by the guild. A speakers work is never done while there exist greed within all mortals hearts.


Rank 1: Gaurdian, Cultivator, or Speaker
Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the Emerald Conclave  
When you become an speaker, you gain a contact from a guild outside the Emerald Conclave, which can be someone you have met in your adventures. In your new role, you belong to an outpost and can expect help and support from that community, but you spend your time away from it, operating with a great deal of independence.
When you become a cultivator, you gain the ability to call upon the aid of nature around you. Once per day, you can call upon the follage around you to transform into 1d6 awakened shrubs that follow you for 1 hour.  
When you beome a gaurdian, you can call upon the aid of the nearest oupost to help you. They provide you with lodging, food, and acess to their armory in between your adventurers.  
Rank 2: Conclave Charm
Prerequisite: Rank 1 and renown 10 or higher in the Emerald Conclave   You can request that the votta of your outpost bestow a Conclave charm (utilize the Slesnya charm found in GGR) to you before you embark upon missions that further the guilds agenda.  
Rank 3: Natures Favor
Prerequisite: Rank 2 and renown 25 or higher in the Emerald Conclave   You have proven to both nature and your votta that are dilligent in its protection. You gain the aid of a pack of dire wolves (4 wlolves), which have been raised from pups to to wolf in a pack. These wolves effectively belongs to you, entrusted to your care. If they comes to harm through your negligence or mistreatment, you might be punished—perhaps to the extent of losing your position within the guild.    
Rank 4: Votta
Prerequisite: Rank 3 and renown 50 or higher in the Emerald Conclave.   Chosen by Pinera herself, vottas act as the leader of their branch and outpost they reside in. As a votta, you must be available when Pinera has need of your service, but you have great latitude to pursue your vision of the guild's goals.   You can call upon the aid of nature to summon 6d10 Treants or 2d8 Wurms (utilize the Wurm stat block found in GGR) to support you in your missions for the guild. When not on official guild missions you can summon 8d10 initiates for a mission of your own devising. These initiates are speakers, cultivators , or gaurdians (utilize the druid, soldier, and bard stat block).
Guild, Protective
Dryad Pinera

Emerald Conclave Tenets

  • The cycle of nature must be preserved in all its various shapes and forms.
  • Do not willingly harm nature while protecting it from those who would.
  • Never deny aid to the injuried or weary as all are part of the cycle.
  • Any force that would disrupt the natural cycle must be stopped.


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