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Heavenly Pillar of Truth

The Heavenly Pillar of Truth is one of the most wide spread and influential guild throughout Orsus. Members of this guild worship the various deities that fought alongside Kallex, equally as a family. However, just like a family some deities such as Zoton, Matka, Vatar, and Hetos are shunned from being worshipped openly. As a collective, the guild stands as a bulwark against forces that seek to plunge the mortal realm into darkness.   Many Conspiracy theorist have spoken about how Cardinal Sasha Dawnbringer, is nothing more than a tyranical leader who views the guild as her own personal military. Keen on keeping these conspiracies at bay, the Heavenly Pillar is known for acting diplomatic and yielding to local authorities.


Anyone who follows the teaching of the Primal Deities can find a place within the guild by spending time as an Acolyte. An acolyte spends their days working around the guild hall, or at other churchs or temples dedicated to a deity. When not working acolytes spend their time studying, and learning prayers and how to perform religious rituals. After an acolyte has completed two years of training, they are assigned to a temple or church by the Cardinal herself.   The guild has multiple titles and ranks, which cover not only the Heavenly Pillar of Truth in but all smaller places of whorship across Orsus.  


One Cardinal is chosen by the deities themselves, to act as the peace keeper and unifier of the various churches and temples. A Cardinal serves until death, with their vacancy filled by the next chosen Cardinal.   Upon becoming a Cardinal, the chosen mortal sheds their family name, and choses a new one to represent the deity that chose them.


An Archbishop is chosen by vote, or in times of urgency is hand picked by the Cardinal themselves. There can only be one Archbishop per deity, and they act as the authoritative body for the guild.   An Archbishop is granted control of the guilds resources, and oversees the operations of each temple or church. They report directly to the Cardinal, and are required to report any signs of heresy.  


A Bishop is someone who was once a priest who has proven their skills, be it through diplomatic or milliteristic achievements. Those granted the tilte of Bishop are tasked with overseeing large geographis areas, commonly called zones. Each zone containes a number of churches or temples that fall within the Bishops purview.


Priest are Acolytes that have proven themsleves, and are tasked with leading a local following. These assignments are assigned by the local Bishop, and influenced by the zones church or temple needs. Many Priest remain in this positions until their death or they are deemed unfit to continue on.


Rank 1:Acolyte
Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the Heavenly Pillar.   Acolytes are low-ranking members of the guild. At this level of the hierarchy, you perform minor task in your temple or church. Task such as: collecting tithes during service, scheduling appointments, keeping ledgers, and copying documents.   Your salary at this rank is enough to maintain a poor lifestyle, including private quarters in the church or temple.  
Rank 2: Priest
Prerequisite: Rank 1 and renown 10 or higher in the Heavenly Pillar.   You have proven yourself to your local Bishop, and elevated to the position of a Preist. You have authority over acolytes, hear confessions, draw up contracts, lead rites, perform ceremonies, and offer counsel to your superiors when asked.   When you're sent on a mission that poses a potential threat, your superior bestows on you a guild token. This token gives you the authority to request the assistance of 2d4 Acoyltes.   These individuals remain with you until the mission ends.  
Rank 3: Bishop
Prerequisite: Rank 2 and renown 25 or higher in the Heavenly Pillar.   The rank of Bishop does not come easy and is a great honor for a Priest to obtain. As a Bishop, you are incharge of your local zone and followers within them. Between adventures, you can now maintain a wealthy lifestyle.   You also have a staff of 2d4 Knights and 2d8 acolytes under your command. You can order them only to carry out tasks that contribute to the work within your zone. They are tasked with protecting you from harm, and reporting any actions considered heretical.  
Rank 4: Archbishop
Prerequisite: Rank 3 and renown 50 or higher in the Heavenly Pillar.   As an Archbishop, you are one of the executive managers in charge of enacting the will of the guild. Only Cardinal Sasha, can remove you from your position, or appoint you to it in times of trouble.   As an archbishop, all the resources of the guild are at your disposal, and have a staff of 2d6 Bishops (use the war mage stat blocks to represent them), with their attendants as described for rank 3. Between adventures, you can maintain an aristocratic lifestyle.
Guild, Religious
Cardinal Sasha Dawnbringer

Heavenly Pillar of Truth Docturns

  • Never succumb to the temptation of Heretics, or risk eternal damnation
  • Do not sell your soul, or risk giving the unclean power over you.
  • Follow the light of the Pillar and be rewarded with eternal paradise in death.
  • Never give up faith in the Deities, as in darkness their is light to guide you.


Mortals who have turned their back from the teachings of the Deities are known as "heretics". They have either sold their souls or become agents of the dark, and actively work towards futhering the destruction of everything. Heretics who are considered damned by the Heavenly Pillar are put to death, burned alive by the holy light wielded by the Cardinal.   However, heretics that wish to repent and be saved, must seek penance by writing down their sins while in the presence of an archbishop. Once their sins are proven true, they are affixed with a holy object to slowly erase their sins.


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