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Whispers and rumors often follow in the shadow of a hexblood. They may look human, act human, but there is just always something just a little bit off... Enough so, that in small towns and villages, they often become outsiders.    Many believe they are personally touched by Matka, and are the reason children fall ill, with their innate powers and mysterious eyes. Some learn to melt into the crowd as they grow older, where others never manage to fit fully into the society they were born into; yet another few manage to thrive in their role as different, becoming the wise witch people look to for advice and healing.  

Basic Information

Hexbloods are family's     No matter how human a Hexblood may look, there is one unmistakable giveaway that each hexblood carries with them. As a hexblood matures they grown an unusual crown, often called an eldercross or a witch’s turn.    This crown is a living, garland-like part of a hexblood’s body that extends from their temples and wraps behind the head. This crown is a sign they will always carry, whether they do so with pride, shame or indifference.  

Additional Information

Social Structure
Wherever they go, wherever they live, hexbloods have a tendency to become the black sheep if they are not careful enough about concealing their true nature. Often they are hunted, tracked down by witch hunters that blames them for the sins of their ancestry.   Often times hexbloods leave behind their old lives to start a new one within a covens of witches. Others might hunt down the Hag who touched their bloodline seeking to become a Hag themselves, or to gain vengeance against the Hag.   How hexbloods deal with learning of their roots or the prejudice of people around them differs from one to the other. Some end up leaning into the wicked nature people expect of them, where others try to use their powers for good. No matter what a hexblood chooses, they each consider themselves family and do their best help each other when they can.  

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions
Hexbloods tend to follow the naming traditions of humans, as humans have no typical naming tradition. Some hexblood parents give their children names from other languages, such as Dwarf or Elves, but most parents give names that are linked to their region’s culture or to the naming traditions of their ancestors.  

Hexblood Traits

Your Hexblood character has a variety of natural abilities common with your ancestry.   Hexblood


Ability Score Increase Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) Choose any +1; choose any other +1; choose any other +1
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft

Evil Eye
You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill  
Erie Token
As a bonus action, you can harmlessly remove a lock of your hair, one of your nails, or one of your teeth. This token is imbued with magic until you finish a long rest. While the token is imbued in this way, you can take these actions:   Telepathic Message. As an action, you can send a telepathic message to the creature holding or carrying the token, as long as you are within 10 miles of it. The message can contain up to twenty-five words.   Remote Viewing. If you are within 10 miles of the token, you can enter a trance as an action. The trance lasts for 1 minute, but it ends early if you dismiss it (no action required) or are incapacitated. During this trance, you can see and hear from the token as if you were located where it is. While you are using your senses at the token’s location, you are blinded and deafened in regard to your own surroundings. When the trance ends, the token is harmlessly destroyed.   Once you create a token using this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest, at which point your missing part regrows.  
Matka’s Blessing
You have advantage on saving throws against being charmed and magic can’t put you to sleep    

Languages. Common, Sylvan

by IsabellBartnicki
Hexbloods mature at the same rate as humans but often live to be about 150 years old.
Average Height
5ft - 6ft
Average Weight
100 - 250 pounds

Cover image: by Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft


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