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Oldenburg, The City of Defiance

If there ever stood a symbol for Austia's stubbornness -- and I don't mean that term rudely -- it is this city. Oldenburg is well deserved to be called Austia's capital. It's wealth is unlike any other, and its cultural impact is absolutely inspiring. The capital is truly an example of defiance to subjugation. ~Unknown Scholar
  The largest city in all of Austia, and possibly the world, Oldenburg is also among the most diverse. Boasting a population of over 100 thounsand citizens from various races and lands, it also serves as the largest repository of subjects under rule of the crown. It is sometimes called "The King City," "The City of Spire," or even "The City of Might." It is even said that another "sub-city" exists, within the sewers of Oldenburg. A place rumored to be inhabited by a vast "underworld," built upon old and forgotten structures and teeming with life  


Though racially diverse, Oldenburg is still rather human-centric, with the population skewing 60% human, with an almost even distribution of the remaining 40% amongst the various races of from around Orsus.
Oldenburg being an old city still boasts buildings made predominantly of strong northern wood, most of the buildings beyond its circumference are more modern, and built from stone. Due to its large surface area, Oldenburg was able to expand outward rather than upward, and as such, lacks some of the tallest possible buildings. That is not to say that the city has no looming structures, however decent city planning has kept most of these taller edifices within the inner city.  


The Golden Spires
Though the city possesses many districts, it is most commonly defined between two areas, the Common Square and the Golden Spires. Divided by walls that wrap around to form an inner, elevated circle in the capital sits within the Golden Spires, the collection of noble houses and the royal palace itself. Everything outside the walls is referred to as the Common Square which itself has many districts. But the Golden Spires, despite its political activity, is seen as no more than a neighborhood for the wealthy.   The Church of Boltar, Authority Court, and royal palace all sit inside these inner walls, which permit only specific people: those who live directly in the Golden Spires, and those who have authorized business with something here.   This has caused a massive cultural divide among the two areas, leaving the rich to become richer, and poor to become poorer. Though many citizens still remain in the middle-class, it is pondered if their Queen Valentina Severa Dominus, who too resides in the Royal Spires, also seeks to forsake the well-being of the people for a better profit.
The Blackheath Heights
If the Common Square had a rich district, the Blackheath Heights would be it. Though it may not compare to the Golden Spires in wealth and antiquity, this district still provides many above average services and goods for the common folk. Everything from rich, colorful clothing to the shops that sell arcane crafts, this district acts like its own small city.  
The Minuda Warehouses
In Oldenburg, a large harbor runs along the city. Here, ships pulling into the harbor have easy access to the capital through the massive harbor; this area is called the Narrow Point Docks.   Among the Narrow Point Docks are the large set of warehouses and cargo containers that specifically exist to maintain a good's security while it goes through a waiting period to be moved elsewhere. Goods may be stored here while waiting for a designated ship to carry them off, or may be stored from a ship that is delivering its trade to the capital. Nathan Graywood acts as the High Dockmaster over the Narrow Point Docks, a burly Dwarf fellow who is eager to cut small deals in exchange for ale or other delicacies.  
The Slums
As the districts ran out of room for the cities growing poverty level, residents built upward, with shacks creating an impromptu third, fourth and even fifth story in some areas. The irregular roof lines now give a home to the cities poorest and most desperate people. Seeing the potential before them, the Silent Partners moved in and began carving up there territory, preying on the unfortunate circumstances of others.   The dense Slum roofs provide hidden and convenient paths leading to rooftop communities with some areas being large islands surrounded by lesser rooftops. However, with all the dirt, darkness, and filth, dangerous surprises have moved in snatching poor unfortunate souls in the night.


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