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Segmia, Academy Of The Arcane

Founded by four powerful Wizards who seeked to provide a place for future weavers, the Academy is meant to both help train the next generation of magic users and continue furthering the understanding of the magical arts. Within the hallowed halls of the Academy, students discover every form of magic, from simple cantrips, to powerful rituals and ancient relics of wonder.   While arcane magic is certainly the focus of the Academy, witchcraft has since its founding, been a part of its proud heritage. There is no one place in all the known realms that covers such a wide variety of tethering disciplines within a single institution. This gives the students of the college a distinct advantage over those who study the art of tethering elsewhere. There is a wide range of spells available to students, as well as direct access to master practitioners able to teach their secrets to willing students.   Many travel to the Academy during their adventures in search of knowledge or aid. The Library of the Academy is extensive with thousands of tomes and historical scrolls, while the School of Artificers can provide magical arms and armor, for the right price. The Archchancellor and the faculty are busy individuals, but they have been known to fund bold adventurers in search of lost magical artifacts.  


The four founding wizards are represented by the four houses in the Academy. Upon arrival, students face placements and are sent to one of the four houses. The houses provides more than just food and board for students studying at the academy. Each house is an extended family, where students form bonds of friendship that last a lifetime. Each house is unique and takes on the personality of the founders.  
Mavinda, House of Lore
  Motto: "Start with one, end with more"   Values: History, Society   Mavinda students are diligent researchers, daring adventurers, and scholars passionate about history. They explore the past by poring over artifacts and summoning long-dead spirits. For some, the past is a rich tapestry for disciplined study. Mavinda students find themselves at home within libraries and ancient ruins studying old and forgotten lore.
Emeritus, House of Elemental Arts
  Motto: "Art is never finished"   Values: Art, Creativity    Emeritus students' spells are spectacles of raw creativity or meticulous artistic expressions. All the world’s a stage, and whether informed by mind or emotion, Emeritus students always leave a lasting impression. Emeritus students feel most at home amongst wild fires or natural disasters to provide materials for their expressive art.   
Beledo, House of Life & Death
  Motto: "Without death their is no life"   Values: Strength, Passion   Beledo students draw power from the essence of living things, all for the sake of enhancing their own capabilities or to protect others. The house maintains strong ties with Austian military organizations, its strict discipline and ruthless drive for success makes the house one to be reckoned with. Beledo students are most at home on the battle field or picking herbs for potions.    
Alrund, House of Infinite Possibility
  Motto: "Achieve Infinity"   Values: Determination, Free Thought   Alrund students are ingenious math magicians. Since its founding, house Alrund has excelled particularly in academics and marine research. They study patterns, fractals, and symmetries to command power over the fundamental forces of nature. Alrund students are most at home out in nature studying every aspect of it, or in there dorms attempting to create the perfect spell.

Purpose / Function

Anyone wishing to study the art of weaving can enroll at the Academy if they can afford the admissions or are sponsored by a professor. Students who are not interested in studying magic conventionally, are far less common but can be found within The Explorers; a society of adventurers and archaeologist.


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