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Unlike any other race, the Slaadine were born, falling from the sky sheathed in hardened crystals a very long time ago. Their origin unknown; some believe they are agents of another dieity who cast them across the void to spread their faith, others claim they are the remnants of a dying diety shunted into the void. Nonetheless, they can be found traversing the realms searching for the whereabouts of something called "The Astrum".   Fueled by the power of their creator, Slaadine are naturally psionic, using their mind and emotions to produce psionic effects. For all Slaadine, the lines between thoughts and emotions are thin. They are often in complete control of their thoughts and emotions, letting little affect them. As they feel emotions stronger than any other race. Despite their limited emotions, when they do experience them, it comes to them in a very strong rush - making an angry sladdine one scary foe, or a loving slaadine a great friend.  

Basic Information


Those who look upon the Slaadines strange features can see their alien origins with ease. They have very little in the way of consistent features, body parts often don’t match the size of the rest of the body. However, all slaadine share a similiar appearence to toads, but with the added benefits of stronger muscles. It is wise to never assume you know what a slaadine can do based upon their appearance.   Slaadine have hides that vary from smooth and shiny to rough and warty, with complextions ranging from black to blue. However, on rare occasions, a slaadines hide can show streaks of gold or purple lines. Slaadines with these markings are considered chosen by their creator for great things.   Slaadine are incapable of growing any hair unless by some sort of magic and have widely spaced and bulbous eyes, generally reflecting red or amber light. Their powerful legs and webbed feet allow for rapid movement and the ability to perform long jumps with ease.  

Additonal Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Slaadine do not reproduce like other races and do so in a maddening practice frowned upon by scholars. Upon the death of one of their own, a slaadine will carve out the heart of the deceased and implant it into another. The intended host of this implant is someone the slaadine viewed as strong and powerful. Over the course of 3 days the host begins a metamorphasis, where their old flesh is replaced witth new flesh. When the metamorphasis is complete a new slaadine with the memeories and abilities of it's host is born.  

Civilization and Culture

The Tribes

Because of the nature of their birth, Slaadine do not have families in the traditional sense. Instead, they form communites called tribes with others of their race. Each tribes is formed based upon the skills they inherit at birth, and are ruled by a council called "The Silent blades". Each member of the council is the strongest of their tribes and have taken a vow of silence to never speak in tongues. They communicate with crude telepathy that on rare ocassion break the recipients minds.   Conflict is common within tibes as tribes leaders are challanged by ambitous slaadine every year. Once a year a tribes leader can be challenged, leading to a bout of bloody fights for superiority to ensue. Many slaadine prefer to engage in psychic battles often called "silent wars", where the losers mind is broken from the stuggle. Physical battles often lead to piles of limbs and trails organs to litter the ground. In the end only the strong are allowed to rule and the weak must fall in line.  

Naming Traditions

Slaadine generally take the names of their host or come up with their own name. These names always reflect the local culture in the surrounding area, and are followed by a title depicting a great deed.  

Slaadine Traits

Your Slaadine character has a variety of natural abilities common with your ancestry.   Slaadine


Ability Score Increase Choose one of: (a) Choose any +2; choose any other +1 (b) Choose any +1; choose any other +1; choose any other +1
Size Medium
Speed Speed 30 ft, Swim 30 ft.

You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race.  
Limited Telepathy
You can speak telepathically to any creature within 10 feet of you. Your telepathic utterances are in a language you know, and the creature understands you only if it knows that language. This does not give the creature the ability to telepathically communicate back unless they already have a means of doing so.  
As a bonus action, you can move up to your speed toward an enemy of your choice that you can see or hear. You must end this move closer to the enemy than you started. Once you use this trait, you can’t use it again until you move 0 feet on one of your turns.  
Skills of the Past
You have proficiency in two of the following skills of your choice: Animal Handling, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, and Survival.  
Psychic Croak
When you reach 3rd level, you can unleash a maddening croak to warp the minds of your enemies. As an action, each creature in a 10 foot radius sphere must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma modifier).   On a failure, each creature takes 1d4 psychic damage and is incapacitated until the start of your next turn. If the save is successful, the creature takes no damage and is not incapacitated.   You can use your Psychic Croak a number of times equal to your constitution modifier, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Languages. Common and one extra language of your choice.

by Jihoon Park
Slaadine reach adulthood hours of their birth and can live to be 200 years old.
Average Height
5 ft - 7 ft
Average Weight
150 - 250 pounds

Cover image: by Jason Nguyen


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