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The Explorers

One of the youngest guilds to be formed and funded by Segmia, whose purpose is to collect and perseve forgotten knowledge. The Explorers base of operations lies directly underneath the grand library within the academy. The guild halls beneath the library are filled with priceless artifacts, and tomes.


The Explorers are divided into three branches, called specialties, each lead by a steward. The stewards of the three branches are watched over by guildmaster Bavak, who spends most of his time within the archive.  


These scholars are trained to translate, perseve and spread knowledge to those who seek it. Many curators are former academy students with a strong will and mind. A curators first duty is to vet or update old and new knowledge as it's brought to them. The life of a curator is a long and tedious one, but is filled with great purpose.  


These scholars are trained to delve into forgotten tombs, hold their own against enemies, and how to preserve and transport what they find. A drifters first duty is to find forgotten knowledge, bring it back, and rarely stop to think of the consequences. The life of a drifter is often short, dangerous, but full of excitement. As not all tombs, ruins, and dungeons are uninhabited.


Scholars that have been trained on how to protect the knowledge gathered by drifters. These are commonly former adventurers, or students from the academy interested in protecting history. Protectors are tasked with swiftly elimintating internal or external threat. The life of a protector is long and tough, due to the ever taxing nature of their duty.  

The Grand Library

Situated within the center of the Academy grounds, the Grand Library is a collective of gathered knowledge covering an extensive field of topics. Admittance to the library is open for all, but there are strict rules while using the library.   Damaging or removing text is forbidden, with the punishment being swift. Protectors diligently roam the library to direct visitors, prevent wrongdoing, and to maintain the wards throughout the library.   Separate from the academy library, another more private archive resides. Here, the guildmaster and trusted curators, reside deciphering knowledge that is to dangerous for the world to remember. When asked about what's inside the archive, the guildmaster simply responds, knowledge that is to valuable yet evil to destroy.


Rank 1:Researcher
Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the Explorers.   As a researcher, you can secure the aid of attendants(use the commoner stat block) to assit you. These assistants will run errands for you, and complete mundane task to assist with information gathering. However, they will not accompany you into dangerous circumstances.  
Rank 2: Supervisor
Prerequisite: Rank 1 and renown 10 or higher in the Explorers.   Whether you're an accomplished researcher, a committed drifter, or even a dedicated protector, you are eligible for promotion to a supervisor position. Your role is primarily to translate the instructions of the director above you into concrete tasks that the people who report to you can accomplish.   Assisting you in your role are 2d4 competent attendants (use the Apprentice Wizard​ stat block).   As a supervisor, you earn a salary sufficient to maintain a modest lifestyle    
Rank 3: Director
Prerequisite: Rank 2 and renown 25 or higher in the Explorers   You have proven your skills to be competent enough to be trusted with complext knowledge. You must have the approval of an steward, and a position on this importances usually becomes available only if a vacancy opens up.   Within the bounds of a stewards directives, you have wide latitude in directing the activities within the guild. That means you can steer the actions of memebrs toward the acquisition​, or discovery of certain objects and knowledge.   Between adventures, you can maintain yourself at a comfortable lifestyle.  
Rank 4: Steward
Prerequisite: Rank 3 and renown 50 or higher in the Explorers.   As a Steward, you serve as the head of your specialty. Only the guildmaster, Bavak can appoint you to this position, and only if one of the three existing stewards leaves his service.   As a steward, all the resources of the guild are at your disposal, and you have access to the knowledge within the archive. You also gain the service of 2d6 protectors (use the Vetran statblock) to protect you on adventures.   As a Steward, you can maintain yourself at a wealthy lifestyle between adventures.
Guild, Educational

Explorer's Tenets

  • Unearth and protect artifacts, tomes, and forgotten knowledge of the past.
  • Seek out experiences to propel findings—journey to distant lands in search of opportunity.
  • Knowledge must pass freely, teach those around you to think for themselves


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