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Twilight Court

The Twilight Court are a secretive empire of criminals, that exist wherever there is a shadow to hide in. At first, the Court was a disorganized group of thugs, thieves and smugglers until the Shade rose to power. Under its current leadership, the Court is involved in ever aspect of the underworld; from extortion, assassination, blackmail and even gambling.   Many citizens rely upon the manipulative and illicit services provided by the Court. Merchants are reliant on their protection rackets, money lenders and the enforcers and thugs hired out. Politicians and government officials often hire their spies, assassins, or burglars to obtain guarded knowledge, or plant false information. These operations allowed the Twilight Court to insert itself into every aspect of daily life.  


The Twilight Court is made up of three branches, called cells, each led by a ring leader. Ring leaders are tasked with managing operatives, eliminate threats, and periodically reporting to the Shade.  


Enforcers are the brawn of the guild, functioning as assassins, debt collectors, as well as the operators within the night market. Enforcers work independently outside of these task, unless ordered not to by a Ring leader, and are quick to find avenues in which to gain the means of recognition. Many Enforcers are skilled tortures, fighters and spellcasters for this reason.  


While enforcers are the brawn of the guild, informants are their eyes and ears. Highly skilled in spycraft, subterfuge, and blending into a crowd. They are only distinguished by a hidden mark placed on them, shaped in the form of a half skull mask. Informants are a tightly-knit group, able to adapt quickly and handle even the most aggressive jobs.  


Silhouttes are the backbone of the guild, acting as sleeper cells to be called upon when needed. They are the first in the fray with no regard for their own well-being. Sillhouttes have been known to lay dormant for years, not remembering anything of their previous lives. The product of multiple sessions of memory alterations, and typically disposed of once they've served their purpose.  

Night Market

The Twilight Court is too widespread to have a single stationary guildhall to call home. While all cities across Orsus have various safe houses, the most notable place to hide is the Night Market. The Market resides in the cracks of civilization, both existing and not existing at the same time. Entrance can only be gained at midnight after recieving a black feather, the calling card of the Court.   The Night Market is home to all types of illegal services and exotic merchandise imaginable. In truth, the market acts as a recruiting ground for new blood for the guild. Prospective members, are marked and secretly observed until they are deemed worthy of undergoing a trial. After completing the trial, the recruit is taken to a ring leader to never be seen again.


Rank 1: Independent Agent
Prerequisite: Renown 3 or higher in the Twilight Court.   As an independent agent, you have considerable latitude in the way you choose to implement your mission goals.   You acquire a black mirrior— a magic device that allows you to communicate telepathically with your handler who pocesses a similar item. If this item is lost or destroyed, it's up to you to secure a replacement.  
Rank 2: Collector of Secrets
Prerequisite: Rank 1 and renown 10 or higher in the Twilight Circle.   By the time you reach this level of renown in the guild, you have amassed a collection of informants to help you. You know the location of a hidden safe house where you can take shelter in case of dire need. You gain the help of 1d4 informants (use Thought Spy stat block) and any secrets they may know.   You also learn the Encode Thoughts spells, and Charisma is your spellcasting ability.  
Rank 3: Handler
Prerequisite: Rank 2 and renown 25 or higher in the Twilight Circle.   At this level of renown, you have been trusted by your ring leader to cordinate the activites of other agents. You still recive your orders from the usual source, but you've been given more freedom to determine it's execution. You are also increasingly trusted with important secrets.  
Rank 4: Ring Leader
Prerequisite: Rank 3 and renown 50 or higher in the Twilight Court.   As a Ring leader, you are one of the executive managers in charge of enacting the will of the guild. A new Ring leader can only be appointed by the Shade, or by being assasinated by rivals.   As a ring leader, all the resources of the guild are at your disposal, and have a cell of 2d4 informants (use Thought Spy stat block), 2d6 enforcers (use Thug stat block), and 2d8 Silhouettes ( use the Spy stat block).   Between adventures, you can maintain an wealthy lifestyle. Additonally you learn the modify memory spell, and Charisma is your spellcasting ability.
Guild, Thieves
The Shade
Night Market

Twilight Court Tenets

  • When put to the task, see it through. When the job is done, become as a shadow in the night.
  • Trust no one not even yourself
  • Operate, Plan, and have the Resolve to see the job through.
  • One persons misfortune is anothers gain

The Shade

It is widely known that the Twilight Court is led by one person. Most only know that the leader is called the Shade or Many Faced. The true power of the Shade is their invisibility and cold heart.   Attempts to discover their identity has proven fuitile, and only resulted in a string of corpses. Orders are given to guild memebers through dreams, notes or thought strands.


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