Blue Dragon

The Blue Dragons were majestic yet fearsome creatures, their scales a vibrant shade of azure that gleamed under the desert sun. They were known for their sharp intellect and a strong sense of pride, often viewing themselves as superior to other beings. They commanded respect and obedience through fear and awe, preferring to manipulate those around them with cunning strategies. When Blue Dragons chose to shapeshift, they favored forms that exuded authority, often appearing as regal humans or elves, draped in fine robes or armor. Their chosen forms always carried an air of command, making them difficult to challenge.   Blue Dragons preferred arid, desert landscapes or coastal regions where they could control the weather and the land around them. They built their lairs in vast, subterranean caverns beneath the sands, or within isolated cliff faces along the coast. Their presence was said to influence the weather, drawing storms to these regions. Travelers often spoke of areas where the sky was constantly clouded by unnatural thunderheads, and lightning would strike with eerie precision. Some believed the land around a Blue Dragon’s lair became unnaturally dry and barren, as if the earth itself feared the dragon’s wrath.   Those who followed or served Blue Dragons were often opportunists—tribal leaders, warlords, or ambitious sorcerers—seeking power in exchange for loyalty. Others were enslaved, driven by fear or bound by powerful magic to serve the dragon’s whims. The dragon’s followers were often organized and disciplined, as the Blue Dragons valued structure and control. They maintained tight hierarchies, with those closest to the dragon reaping rewards, while the lower ranks toiled in the service of their master. Many were driven by the promise of wealth or the dragon’s favor, but all understood that disobedience meant swift and brutal punishment.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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