Bronze Dragon

Bronze Dragons were striking and noble creatures, their scales shimmering with a bright, metallic bronze hue that caught the light beautifully. Known for their inquisitive and adventurous nature, they were often characterized by their love for exploration and a deep curiosity about the world around them. While they were capable of great cunning and strategic thinking, they often masked their ambitions with a charming demeanor, winning the trust of those they encountered. When they chose to shapeshift, they favored forms that represented authority and intellect—often appearing as respected leaders, wise scholars, or skilled diplomats, allowing them to influence the affairs of mortals with ease.   Bronze Dragons typically inhabited coastal regions, preferring areas with access to both land and sea. Their lairs were often found in hidden caves along rocky shorelines or within ancient ruins partially submerged beneath the waves. These locations allowed them to survey both land and sea, as well as to safeguard their treasures from prying eyes. It was said that the regions surrounding a Bronze Dragon’s lair thrived with marine life, with schools of fish and other creatures drawn to the waters near the dragon’s home. However, rumors also spoke of sudden storms or unnatural tides that would arise when the dragon felt threatened or disrespected, causing fear among local fishermen and sailors who relied on the seas for their livelihoods.   Many believed that the dragon's presence enriched the region, fostering abundant harvests and prosperous trade, while others whispered of the price of angering such a powerful creature, with the seas becoming unpredictable and treacherous as a result.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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