
Cats, small and agile creatures, have long been a source of fascination and fear. Typically exhibiting a sleek and graceful build, they are known for their sharp retractable claws and keen senses. With a wide variety of breeds, their fur can range from deep black to mottled browns and grays. Historically, they have been seen as cunning and elusive, often displaying behaviors that hint at their predatory nature. Attempts to eradicate them were common, as their mysterious ways and unpredictable temperaments made them unwelcome in many settlements.   In the past, followers of the Great Cats often kept these creatures as spies and companions, utilizing their stealth and agility for reconnaissance tasks. Their ability to blend into their surroundings allowed them to gather information undetected, which was invaluable for those who sought power or knowledge. However, this association has led to a lingering suspicion and mistrust among the general populace. Many now view cats as harbingers of mischief or ill intent, believing them to possess hidden agendas. Their presence in a household can evoke unease, as whispers of their former ties to the Great Cats and their enigmatic nature continue to cast shadows over their reputation.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Conservation Status
actively hunted


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