
Constructs are artificial beings, created through craftsmanship and magic rather than born from nature. They are typically made from materials like stone, metal, or clay and animated to serve a specific purpose. Unlike living creatures, constructs have no will of their own—they follow the commands of their creators or the instructions programmed into them when they were made. They don't need food, sleep, or air, and they are immune to many things that affect living beings, such as poison or disease.   Constructs vary greatly in form and function. Some are simple, built for menial tasks or guarding places, while others are complex, designed for battle or more advanced duties. Their strength lies in their durability and unwavering obedience, making them reliable tools or formidable foes. However, their lack of true intelligence can be a weakness, as they cannot adapt or think creatively in the way living creatures do.   Encounters with constructs often involve dealing with their mechanical precision and the challenges of overcoming their resilience. Whether facing a guardian of a forgotten temple or an ancient automaton built for war, constructs serve as reminders of the blend of magic and craftsmanship that brings them to life.


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