Copper Dragon

Copper Dragons were lively and playful creatures, their scales a rich, lustrous hue that resembled burnished copper. Known for their cunning and sharp wit, they were often characterized by a mischievous nature, relishing in practical jokes and games. While they could be charming and friendly, they also had a darker side; their sense of humor often masked a calculating intelligence and a desire for control. When they shapeshifted, they preferred forms that allowed them to engage with others—often appearing as jovial merchants, clever tricksters, or charismatic entertainers. These forms allowed them to interact with the world while furthering their own agendas.   Copper Dragons typically made their homes in hilly or mountainous regions, often favoring areas with abundant natural resources and hidden caves. Their lairs were usually found in labyrinthine tunnels or cozy alcoves within the hills, filled with treasures and trinkets collected from their adventures. It was rumored that the land around a Copper Dragon's lair thrived with unexpected wonders—strange flora and fauna flourished, and streams sparkled with unusual brilliance, as if touched by the dragon’s playful spirit. However, locals often spoke of mischief befalling those who crossed the dragon, with crops wilting and weather turning unpredictable as retribution for any perceived slights.   The followers of Copper Dragons were often those drawn to their charm—travelers, merchants, and adventurers looking to gain favor through stories or trade. Some became ensnared in the dragon’s web of influence, serving as spies or informants in exchange for protection or wealth. Others were enchanted by the dragon’s playful nature, believing they could be allies in mischief. Yet, many who thought themselves free found themselves manipulated into servitude, unwittingly carrying out the dragon’s schemes while believing they were acting on their own initiative. In this way, the Copper Dragons maintained a network of loyal followers, each unaware of the intricate game being played around them.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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