Deep Dragon

Deep Dragons were formidable creatures, their scales resembling the dark, glistening depths of the ocean, often appearing in shades of deep blue and green. Known for their cold, calculating demeanor, these dragons thrived in the shadows and were masters of deception. With a penchant for manipulation and treachery, they were often feared even by those who had heard tales of their cunning. When shapeshifting, Deep Dragons preferred forms that allowed them to blend seamlessly into their surroundings, often taking on the guise of enigmatic scholars, shadowy advisors, or cloaked figures, facilitating their schemes and gathering information without drawing attention.   These dragons inhabited the darkest, most remote regions of the world, often residing in deep underwater caverns or beneath the earth in vast networks of tunnels. Their lairs were rumored to be filled with treasures stolen from shipwrecks and forgotten ruins, adorned with artifacts that resonated with dark power. It was said that the areas surrounding a Deep Dragon’s lair were often marked by an unsettling silence, where the natural order seemed disrupted. Locals spoke of strange occurrences, such as echoes in the depths, disorientation for travelers, and an oppressive atmosphere that instilled dread in the hearts of those who ventured too close. Whispers suggested that the dragon's presence could warp reality itself, creating illusions that led wanderers astray or instilling a deep sense of paranoia.   The followers of Deep Dragons were typically individuals drawn to knowledge and power, including scholars, sorcerers, and those seeking forbidden secrets. Many were seduced by the promise of arcane knowledge and wealth, willing to do whatever it took to gain the dragon’s favor. However, these followers often became enmeshed in the dragon’s schemes, serving as spies, informants, or unwilling agents in its plots. Some willingly participated in dark rituals, believing that they would be rewarded, while others found themselves trapped in a web of coercion, their lives and ambitions manipulated to serve the dragon’s insatiable hunger for control. In their pursuit of knowledge and power, these individuals often lost sight of their own morality, becoming mere instruments of the dragon’s sinister will.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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