
In their time of terror, dragons were the embodiment of cruelty and destruction. These formidable creatures ravaged the lands with their immense power, leaving trails of devastation wherever they went. Villages were burned to ashes, fields were scorched, and entire forests were reduced to cinders. Their mere presence instilled fear in the hearts of all who lived under their shadow, as they relished in causing suffering and chaos. The skies would darken with their approach, and their roars echoed like thunder, a grim reminder of their dominance and the despair they wrought upon the world.   In their quest for power, dragons enslaved many other races, bending them to their will through sheer force and intimidation. Beasts of the land were also subjugated, twisted into monstrous versions of themselves to serve their dragon overlords. These enslaved beings were forced to build vast hoards and fortresses for the dragons, toil in dangerous mines, and fight in endless wars that only served to further the dragons' insatiable lust for control and domination. Life under dragon rule was one of relentless hardship, fear, and hopelessness.   The end of the dragons' reign of terror came at a significant cost, through the bravery and determination of heroes from other worlds. These heroes, having witnessed similar horrors in their own realms, were driven by a vow to end the dragons' tyranny here, to not run away as they had their own world. The war against the dragons was long and grueling, marked by countless battles and great sacrifices. These heroes, using their unique skills and profound courage, fought tirelessly against the dragons, ultimately succeeding in their mission. The dragons were wiped out, their reign of cruelty brought to a definitive end, and peace was restored to the lands they once terrorized.

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