Emerald Dragon

Emerald Dragons were strikingly beautiful creatures, their scales a vivid green that mirrored the lush forests and verdant landscapes they often inhabited. Renowned for their cunning and intelligence, these dragons were known to be master manipulators, using charm and wit to bend others to their will. While they could be delightful conversationalists, their playful demeanor often masked a more sinister nature. When they chose to shapeshift, Emerald Dragons preferred forms that exuded elegance and allure—often appearing as influential diplomats, charismatic leaders, or enchanting performers—allowing them to navigate social circles with ease while orchestrating their schemes from the shadows.   Emerald Dragons typically made their lairs in dense, ancient forests or hidden groves, where the natural world could serve as both a sanctuary and a realm of influence. Their homes were often adorned with the treasures of their manipulation, including artifacts, trinkets, and the spoils of those they had bested. Rumors suggested that the lands surrounding an Emerald Dragon’s lair flourished with unnatural beauty and abundance, creating an illusion of harmony. However, it was also said that dark shadows lingered near their domains, where strange whispers echoed and the flora seemed to thrum with a hidden, unsettling energy. Those who ventured too close often reported feeling watched or being led astray by the dragon's deceptions, leaving them vulnerable to manipulation or worse.   The followers of Emerald Dragons often included individuals who sought power and influence—politicians, spies, and schemers attracted to the dragon's cunning nature. Many believed they could enhance their own ambitions by allying with such an enigmatic creature, seeing it as a means to ascend to greater heights. However, many of these followers became entangled in the dragon's intricate plans, serving as pawns in a game of deceit. Some were willingly devoted to the dragon’s cause, believing they were part of something grand, while others were coerced into servitude, bound by the dragon’s subtle threats or promises of protection. In their pursuit of power, these individuals frequently found themselves compromising their morals, unwittingly advancing the dragon's interests while sacrificing their own autonomy.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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