Faerie Dragon

Faerie Dragons were small, cat-sized creatures known for their delicate butterfly wings and vibrant colors, ranging from bright blues to shimmering pinks and deep purples. These whimsical dragons were often characterized by their sharp-toothed grins and mischievous demeanor, exuding a sense of playful delight. Their tails would twitch in response to their emotions, a visible indicator of their mood. While they were often seen as charming and enchanting, there was an underlying cunning to their nature that made them capable of trickery and deception, particularly when their amusement was interrupted or when they felt threatened.   Despite their seemingly playful exterior, Faerie Dragons were sometimes captured and tamed by those seeking to exploit their unique abilities. Followers of the dragons often kept them as pets, drawn to their colorful appearance and playful antics. However, these creatures were not merely companions; they were also valued for their skills as spies. Their small size and ability to flit about unnoticed made them perfect for gathering information. Those who tamed Faerie Dragons would teach them to observe and report back, using their seemingly innocent charm to infiltrate gatherings or eavesdrop on conversations. This dual nature—part pet, part spy—allowed their handlers to gain an edge in both social and strategic situations, often at the expense of those unaware of the Faerie Dragon’s true capabilities.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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