Gold Dragon

Gold Dragons were magnificent and imposing creatures, their scales shining with a brilliant, reflective gold that seemed to radiate warmth and light. They were known for their wisdom and charisma, often described as noble and benevolent yet capable of great ruthlessness when crossed. They held themselves with an air of regal authority, believing it was their duty to guide and protect lesser beings, though their methods could be manipulative. When they chose to shapeshift, they favored forms that represented leadership—often appearing as kings, wise elders, or revered champions. These forms allowed them to command respect and inspire loyalty among those they encountered.   Gold Dragons preferred to inhabit high, mountainous regions or vast, sunlit valleys where they could survey their domain. Their lairs were often found in grand caves adorned with treasures and relics from ages past, hidden within towering peaks or lush landscapes. It was said that areas surrounding a Gold Dragon's lair flourished with life, as if the dragon's presence imbued the land with vitality. Crops grew abundantly, and wildlife thrived, leading locals to believe that the dragon's influence blessed the region. However, there were whispers that any who would dare to betray the dragon would find their fortunes reversed, with lands turning barren and lifeless.   The followers of Gold Dragons were typically those drawn to power and influence—nobles, warriors, or ambitious leaders seeking the dragon's favor. Some sought alliances with the dragon, believing that their wisdom would grant them greater status or protection. Others were drawn into servitude, either willingly or through coercion, often believing they were part of a grander purpose. These followers operated under the belief that they were serving a noble cause, but in reality, they were frequently pawns in the dragon's intricate schemes. Many found themselves caught in a web of obligation and loyalty, manipulated by the dragon’s careful orchestration of events, all while striving to achieve their own ambitions under the guise of serving a greater good.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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