Green Dragon

Green Dragons were known for their emerald scales, which shimmered with an eerie light in the depths of dense forests. They were highly intelligent, manipulative creatures, preferring subtlety and intrigue to outright force. Their cunning was unmatched, and they were masters of psychological manipulation, often toying with their enemies long before striking. When they shapeshifted, they took on forms that allowed them to blend in and control situations from behind the scenes—often appearing as wise sages, influential nobles, or charming courtiers. Their preferred forms were those that could command respect or trust, while concealing their true motives.   The Green Dragons made their homes deep within ancient forests, in places where the trees grew tall and the canopy blocked out the sun. Their lairs were hidden within twisting cave networks or beneath the roots of massive trees, protected by layers of illusion and natural defenses. It was said that the forests surrounding a Green Dragon's lair became strange and treacherous. The animals would act unnaturally, as though under a spell, and the trees themselves seemed to whisper secrets. Some regions became notorious for causing travelers to lose their way, their minds clouded by confusion and fear, unable to escape the dragon’s influence.   Those who followed or served Green Dragons were often those with a penchant for intrigue and deception—spies, corrupt politicians, or individuals seeking to rise to power through cunning rather than strength. Others were enthralled by the dragon’s manipulative charm, drawn into their schemes without even realizing it. The enslaved were often the desperate, tricked into servitude through false promises or bound by debts they could never repay. Under the dragon’s rule, these followers operated in secret, forming shadowy organizations that spread influence throughout the region, always working to serve the dragon’s hidden agenda.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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