Grey Dragon

The Grey Dragons were somber and enigmatic creatures, their scales a dull, smoky hue that allowed them to blend seamlessly into fog-covered mountains or misty landscapes. They were calculating and patient, known for their cold and detached demeanor. Unlike more impulsive dragons, Grey Dragons favored long-term schemes, carefully weaving plans that spanned generations. They were masters of deceit and misdirection, rarely revealing their true motives. When they chose to shapeshift, they often took on unassuming forms—an elderly traveler, a reclusive scholar, or a mysterious wanderer. These forms allowed them to observe and manipulate events from the shadows, rarely drawing attention to themselves.   Grey Dragons preferred isolated, mist-laden regions, often in remote valleys or coastal cliffs where fog and cloud cover were constant. Their lairs were hidden in ancient, crumbling fortresses or deep caverns shrouded in perpetual mist, creating an aura of secrecy. It was said that areas near a Grey Dragon’s lair were cloaked in an almost supernatural fog, making it easy for travelers to lose their way. The land itself became desolate, with wildlife growing sparse, and the few plants that survived taking on pale, sickly hues. Some believed the mist carried whispers—fragments of the dragon’s thoughts or warnings to stay away.   Those who followed or served Grey Dragons were often those with an affinity for secrecy and manipulation—spies, assassins, or shadowy cultists who thrived in the murky underworld of politics and crime. Others were enslaved through coercion, often blackmailed or ensnared by the dragon’s intricate schemes. These followers were kept in line through fear and the ever-present uncertainty of the dragon’s true intentions. Many believed they were acting of their own free will, but in reality, they were mere pieces in a much larger and more complex game, their every action subtly guided by the dragon’s unseen hand.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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