Moonstone Dragon

Moonstone Dragons were strikingly unique creatures, their scales shimmering with hues of pale blue and silver that resembled the moonlit sky. Known for their cunning intellect and deceitful nature, these dragons thrived in subterfuge and manipulation, often using charm to conceal their true intentions. Though they could appear affable and generous, their playful demeanor often masked a more sinister ambition. When shapeshifting, Moonstone Dragons favored forms that conveyed mystery and allure—often appearing as enigmatic travelers, wise sages, or beguiling entertainers—allowing them to infiltrate communities and weave their webs of influence.   These dragons preferred lairs in secluded, serene locations, such as hidden glades, secluded hilltops, or caves that overlooked tranquil lakes. Their homes were often adorned with moonstones and other precious gems, reflecting light in a mesmerizing dance. It was rumored that the regions surrounding a Moonstone Dragon’s lair were marked by an ethereal beauty, where flora and fauna thrived under the dragon’s subtle influence. However, locals also spoke of unsettling phenomena: strange illusions and dreams that would plague those who lingered too long near the lair, causing them to question their sanity or even turn against one another, all orchestrated by the dragon's manipulative designs.   The followers of Moonstone Dragons typically consisted of artists, dreamers, and those drawn to the allure of the unknown. Many sought the dragon's guidance, believing that they could gain inspiration or wisdom. However, these individuals often found themselves unwittingly entangled in the dragon’s schemes, serving as pawns in its intricate plots. Some were devoted followers, believing they were part of a greater purpose, while others were ensnared through coercion or trickery, bound to the dragon by a mix of charm and fear. In their pursuit of dreams and enlightenment, they often compromised their morals, ultimately becoming instruments of the dragon’s dark ambitions.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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