Orange Dragon

Orange Dragons were known for their vibrant, fiery scales that gleamed like molten metal, making them stand out in any environment. These dragons were unpredictable and volatile, prone to fits of sudden rage or bursts of destructive energy. While they possessed cunning, their nature was impulsive, often driven by a desire for chaos and the thrill of domination. When they shapeshifted, they preferred forms that allowed them to blend into settings of power and influence, usually appearing as flamboyant merchants, gladiators, or influential leaders with a tendency for theatrics. Their chosen forms exuded charisma, often using charm to manipulate those around them.   Orange Dragons favored tropical regions, particularly volcanic islands or dense jungles where the heat matched their own inner fire. They made their lairs within the calderas of active volcanoes or in hidden caves surrounded by dense foliage and treacherous terrain. Locals whispered that the presence of an Orange Dragon would cause volcanic activity to become more frequent, with rivers of lava and plumes of ash suddenly choking the skies. The forests around their lairs were said to grow wild and untamed, with plants becoming larger and more aggressive, as though the dragon's chaotic energy affected the very nature of the land.   The people who served Orange Dragons were often those drawn to power through chaos—pirates, marauders, or criminal leaders looking to exploit the dragon’s strength. Others were enslaved by the dragon’s overwhelming force, forced to gather riches, build fortresses, or serve in raiding parties. These followers lived in constant fear, as their master’s whims could turn from favor to fury in an instant. However, some were enticed by the dragon’s promises of wealth and freedom, choosing to serve willingly in the hopes of sharing in the spoils of the dragon’s chaotic reign.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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