Sapphire Dragon

Sapphire Dragons were remarkable creatures, their scales shimmering in deep shades of blue, reminiscent of the ocean depths. Known for their intelligence and keen strategic minds, these dragons were master manipulators who relished in controlling the fates of those around them. While they often presented themselves as wise and benevolent, their true nature leaned toward cunning and cruelty. When they shapeshifted, Sapphire Dragons favored forms that conveyed authority and sophistication, often appearing as influential advisors, shrewd politicians, or wealthy benefactors, allowing them to manipulate events from behind the scenes.   These dragons preferred to dwell in coastal regions or deep beneath the waves, where they could carve out expansive lairs within underwater caves or hidden alcoves along rocky shorelines. Their lairs were often adorned with precious gems and artifacts collected from shipwrecks and unwary travelers, reflecting the beauty and danger of their domains. Rumors suggested that the areas surrounding a Sapphire Dragon’s lair were often marked by sudden storms or treacherous currents, leading to shipwrecks and misfortune for those who dared approach. Locals spoke of an eerie calm before a storm, where the air felt charged with an unnatural energy, as if the dragon itself was watching and waiting for the opportune moment to strike.   The followers of Sapphire Dragons typically included ambitious sailors, merchants, and those drawn to the promise of power and wealth. Many sought the dragon's favor, believing that aligning themselves with such a formidable creature would grant them protection and fortune. However, these individuals often found themselves trapped in a web of intrigue, used as pawns in the dragon’s elaborate schemes. Some willingly became spies and informants, serving the dragon’s interests in exchange for potential rewards, while others were coerced into servitude through threats or the loss of their livelihoods. In their quest for prosperity, these followers frequently compromised their morals, ultimately furthering the dragon's malevolent ambitions while losing their own autonomy in the process.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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