White Dragon

The White Dragons were the most primal and savage of their kind, with scales as cold and glistening as ice, perfectly camouflaged in the frozen lands they called home. While they were less intelligent than their kin, they made up for it with raw ferocity and instinctual cunning. They were highly territorial and relentlessly pursued any who dared trespass in their domain. When they shapeshifted, they took on forms that allowed them to stalk their prey with minimal notice—often appearing as rugged hunters or nomads, figures who could blend into the harsh, unforgiving environments they thrived in.   White Dragons favored frigid, snow-covered mountains and frozen wastelands, where the cold was so intense that few could survive without aid. Their lairs were usually found within icy caves or deep crevices in glaciers, protected by the natural barriers of frost and snow. Legends spoke of areas around a White Dragon’s lair where the cold grew so extreme that the air froze in your lungs, and even the hardiest creatures would succumb to frostbite within minutes. The landscape itself seemed to come alive with the dragon’s chilling presence—storms of ice and snow would rage out of nowhere, blinding those who ventured too close, and any warmth in the area seemed to be drained away.   The people who followed or served White Dragons were often desperate and hardy, accustomed to life in the frozen wilderness. Some were raiders or barbarian tribes who revered the dragon’s raw power and sought to ally themselves with such a formidable force. Others were enslaved by the dragon, driven to work in dangerous, icy mines or forced to hunt in the dragon’s name. These followers lived in fear, knowing that their master had little regard for their lives, and they could be sacrificed or discarded at a moment’s notice. Many clung to the hope of survival by aligning themselves with the dragon, believing that its protection, however brutal, was preferable to the merciless cold.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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