
Wyverns were fearsome creatures, closely related to the great dragons but distinctly different in their anatomy and behavior. With their elongated bodies, two powerful scaly legs, and massive leathery wings, they soared through the skies with remarkable agility. Their most notable feature was the long, sinewy tail tipped with a venomous stinger capable of delivering a lethal injection that could incapacitate or kill prey in mere seconds. These cunning predators were often found in mountainous regions, deep forests, and desolate lands, where they would hunt for smaller animals, using their speed and poison to secure meals.   Despite their fierce nature, wyverns were sometimes tamed by those who sought to harness their power. Followers of the dragons, driven by ambition or a desire for strength, would capture young wyverns and attempt to train them as mounts. This process was fraught with danger, as the creatures were notoriously difficult to control and could turn on their handlers without warning. However, those who succeeded in subduing a wyvern found themselves with a formidable ally, capable of immense speed and aerial prowess. Tamed wyverns were often used in battles, reconnaissance missions, or for intimidation purposes, striking fear into the hearts of enemies. The bond between rider and wyvern, while tenuous, could yield great rewards for those brave enough to forge it.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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