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Silverstand Forest

This forest got its name from the silvery sheen that marks the leaves and bark of its trees. Long ago, elves from the Feywild crossed the planar boundaries to settle here. Today, several wood elf clans dwell in elegant, wooden structures built among the forest canopy. Not a single creature enters or leaves the forest’s boundaries without the knowledge of the elves.   The elves of the Silverstand periodically send war parties to patrol the outer reaches of the Dreadwood. The Wild Flame Pact — an alliance struck between the elves, the kingdom of Keoland, and the treants of the region — commits all three groups to repelling the monsters that emerge from the forest. At rare times, the elves organize patrols into the deepest, deadliest regions of the Dreadwood in hopes of defeating threats in their nascent state.
Owning Organization


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