
...Crumbleport's legacy can still be seen in its harbour...

The first major settlement on the northern coastline, it was built many years ago.


As it transpired it was a poor location due to exposure to severe maelstrom storms blowing in from the north and the ever-shifting sands of Shallowater Barr.

it could never properly establish itself because of frequent flooding, grounding ships and general subsidence of the buildings.

The city has long since been abandoned by the citizens. It is now it is home to travelling vagabonds and the occasional smuggling crew, but no-one lives there permanently.


Surprisingly it was many years before Big City became the main source of commerce in the region.

Although most of the old city has now sunk or rotted away, Crumbleport's legacy can still be seen in its harbour built from stone, painstakingly quarried and shipped from the Stonedunes to the south.


Cover image: The Hard Lands by Noël Mallet


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