
"...When the Throne of Venros becomes too uncomfortable, Derchas adventures into the Hard Lands..."

Derchas is a warrior and a Prince of a city called Venros, also known as the 'City of Intrigue.'

He often thinks of himself as the ‘Boss’ of the Knights of Venros, but, Venros being the place it is, it doesn't always work out that way.


As the Prince, Derchas gets to sit on a large and really uncomfortable throne of red, white, gold and black in the Great Hall of Venros.

This is home to the Royal court and is also where members of Derchas’ family live, including his two sisters.


Derchas has a large collection of bones as he is a keen archaeologist.

His favourite piece is the large bone white skull he found which he fashioned into a rather eye-catching helmet.


When the Throne of Venros becomes too uncomfortable, Derchas adventures into the Hard Lands with his best friend Eremis.

Both these humans lead very important lives (if you stop to listen, they will both eagerly tell you how important they are).

When they adventure together, however, they sometimes get up to mischief teasing the Orcs, Ogres and Goblins of the Creepy Crawly Woods.

The ‘Ladz’ of the Woods, of course, return the favour and play jokes on Derchas and Eremis.

Most adventures of this kind usually end up happily in the Pit ‘N’ Swet and Derchas particularly enjoys Stumper’s Shepherd’s pie. (No not real shepherds in pies as that would be horrible, but the one like your mum makes at home.)


Once while adventuring with Eremis and GRiNdaL, Derchas was given a powerful magic sword wrapped in a silk sash by a wise old sage. The power of the sword is unleashed by the distinctive coloured sash that Derchas now always wears.

Using his new sword and the clever ideas of his friends, Derchas helped save the Furthest Tree (in the east of the Hard Lands) from peril - but that is a story for another evening.


Derchas wears his jet-black runic armour and distinctive sash (as well as his special helmet) when he goes on adventures.

This is so he can be spotted easily by the other knights of Venros.

Favourite colours

Red, gold, white and black

Favourite food

Shepherd’s pie

Best friend


Favourite item of clothing

His runic armour

Favourite game



Cover image: GRiNdaL and his friends by Noël Mallet
Character Portrait image: by Noël Mallet


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