
Goblins in this world are a very diverse species but they are characterised by their generally mischievious nature.

Average height is generally between 4-5 feet tall and weight around 130-160lb. The diversity of this race means some individuals are barely 3 feet tall with others 6 feet or more, with a corresponding variety of weight.


Goblins themselves enjoy life to the full. They will have an excellent reason for doing something.

Any resulting problems usually arise from what a Goblin might consider "an excellent reason".

Goblins love the forest almost as much as they love caves. They mostly come out at night, and can see quite well in the dark.

The Goblin's Mushroom Pennant
by Noël Mallet

Goblins prefer the company of other Goblins and even though they do make friends with other races and creatures, they function best as a tribe and group.

Each member of the tribe contributes to the well-being of all the Goblins in a unique way, helping themselves and, on occasion, others too.

They are simple creatures when it comes to simple pleasures, and yet if you look closely and carefully at their lives, you will find a complex and diverse structure of help, advice and support as well as ridicule, dark humour, and slapstick horseplay.


Different places around the world have different degrees of tolerance towards the goblinoid races, and this is often focused at a tribal level.

Some of the more sophisticated tribes have integrated their affairs in the world at large and are welcome in many settlements, whereas other tribes have chosen to distance themselves from the affairs of the world and are happy to live what they consider to be a more traditional goblinoid life.

Even with their integration into some societies, only a fool would fully place their trust in a goblin.

Underneath any veneer of civilised behaviour they may present in public company, even the most polite and cosmopolitan goblins are full of mischief and often take the opportunity to improve their personal situation at the expense of others (although there are exceptions even to this rule).

An illustration of Avarus the Dragon being tempted by GRiNdaL the Goblin with a golden nugget
Avarus the Dragon being tempted by GRiNdaL the Goblin with a golden nugget by Noël Mallet

Cover image: GRiNdaL and his friends by Noël Mallet


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