Golden Hornet Saddle

"...The Saddle was made by the most skilful Fairy artisans and crafters..."

The Golden Hornet Saddle is the most precious possession of Henry the Hornet.

It was given to him by The Venerable Fairy himself in recognition of his bravery in protecting the Faery Oak from further damage after a particularly nasty storm.


Made by the most skilful crafters

The Saddle was made by the most skilful Fairy artisans and crafters. It is made out of enchanted beeswax and delicately trimmed with gold filigree and magical runes.

It took the fairies over a year to create and was presented to Henry by the Venerable Fairy himself.


A reward and a symbol of office

Henry the Hornet wears this saddle with pride to carry The Venerable Fairy whenever he leaves his palace to travel the Creepy Crawly Woods.

The Saddle is both a functional item of clothing and a symbol of office. Henry the Hornet is the Venerable Fairy's personal steed (as the Fairy himself is now so old, his wings have withered too much to be able to carry him).


Magical runes

The runes on the Saddle not only make it look beautiful, but they keep the beeswax from melting whilst keeping it soft and warm so that it is both comfortable for Henry the Hornet to wear and also for The Venerable Fairy to ride all day.

It glows with an inner light and is amongst the 7 most wondrous crafted items in The Hard Lands.

Cover image: GRiNdaL and his friends by Noël Mallet


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