Ilharess, Matron of Spiderwood

...She is a shapeshifter...

Ilharess is the ruler of Spiderwood and has been for many years.


She is a shapeshifter and can choose to appear as an Elven Princess when she desires, but her usual form is that of a giant wolf spider and it is usually in this form that she stalks her woodland valley in search of prey.

She looks after all the spiders in the wood as if they were her children, (even the tiniest of them no bigger than a pinhead.)


Illharess was granted the Spiderwood by the Woodland King, and is content to live in the shadow of the Creepy Crawly Woods and swear fealty to him. In return she and her spiders are free to live and hunt in the Spiderwood, protecting the Creepy Crawly woods from enemies who might approach from the North-West.

Current Location
Ruled Locations

Cover image: GRiNdaL and his friends by Noël Mallet


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