Iridescent Centipedes

...Once befriended, a centipede is a lifelong companion...

The Centipedes of the Creepy Crawly Woods are rarely seen by most visitors and explorers.

This is mainly because they are nocturnal and shy away from any bright lights.

During the day they live in the hollowed out trees and clefts in the ground hidden from most explorers.


They are much larger than the centipedes you might find in the garden and are about the size of a large otter.

They have bright, shiny carapaces in various iridescent woodland colours and have an amazing sense of smell.


The centipedes are very intelligent and can be incredibly loyal if trained and fed on the pungent wild sage herb leaves that they love so much.

Once befriended, a centipede is a lifelong companion and will happily follow you pretty much anywhere. It has been known for some of the smallest goblins to train the larger centipedes to be ridden. They are a lot faster than little goblin legs!

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

They prefer to make their homes in the trunks of old fallen trees that proliferate the woods. But they can also be found in some of the small caves, nooks and crannies that are more common on the western side of the woods.

Geographic Distribution

Cover image: GRiNdaL and his friends by Noël Mallet


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