Legend of the Great White Stag

"...some say that the Stag is not even real, but is just the ghost of an ancient creature..."

The Great White Stag is a mythical creature who lives in the woods and green places of Owtdare. The Stag is the embodiment of the seasons of Spring and Summer and can sometimes be glimpsed on the Spring Equinox.


Each year on the Equinox the sound of a mystical hunting horn can be heard reverberating throughout the woods as Jack Frost and the army of Winter try to prevent the start of spring by hunting the Great White Stag.

When the horn is heard everyone knows the stag is starting his gallop through the lands to turn the aspect of the year to warmer times.

Legend says that whoever catches a glimpse of the Stag in the dawn twilight of the Spring Equinox can be sure of good fortune for the rest of the year, so when the horn is heard each spring everyone leaves their homes to try and spot him.


No one has ever managed to catch the Great White Stag of the Woods and not even the Woodland King knows where the stag lives. It would be considered a bad omen if the stag was ever caught

Some say that the Stag is not even real, but is just the ghost of an ancient creature that was cruelly hunted and put to death in the woods. Others say the Stag is the spirit of the Good King who ruled many, many years ago before the lands became barren and hard.

Cover image: GRiNdaL and his friends by Noël Mallet


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