Magpie Hill

...Travellers can always tell when they are nearing Magpie Hill...

This hill gets its name from the colony of Magpies that now lives here after being expelled from the Creepy Crawly Woods by the Jays.

The reason for their expulsion has been lost in time, but the Magpies have vowed to return to the woods one day.

Their nests are found in the copse of trees on the Northeastern side of the hill.


Travellers can always tell when they are nearing Magpie Hill as the birds always flock and cause a fuss around those moving on the roads.

In fact, some travellers swear the magpies have even spoken to them and asked for food and gifts in return for the Magpies letting them know about any dangerous creatures or bandits on the paths.


Cover image: The Hard Lands by Noël Mallet


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