North Ford

...the ford is not an easy crossing point in winter...

Probably the roughest river crossing point in all the Hardlands.


Long ago North Ford was once renowned as a sturdy stone-built bridge. Indeed, on some old maps the name 'Sturdybridge' can still be seen.

The source of the Koldbeck river is hard to identify as there are many tributaries, each of these has the potential to throw flash floods and detritus further downstream causing destruction and wreckage.

As a result of these occurrences during its heyday, Sturdybridge was rebuilt many times.


Once Big City's harbour provided a more reliable economic alternative to the Caravans of the Long South Trail, the bridge fell into disuse and became but a shallow crossing over to the west side.

Be warned, even though there are few better places to cross the river, the ford is not an easy crossing point in winter.

Alternative Names

Cover image: The Hard Lands by Noël Mallet


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