Rickety Bridge

This bridge marks the very eastern point of the Creepy Crawly Woods.


It is the only bridge over the Tinkle for miles around. Usually, you can safely cross the stream by wading or using one of the numerous fords along its course, but when the rain has been very heavy then this bridge is the only way to get to the other side without getting very wet.


Stonegut the Troll lives under the bridge. He is not the typical Troll you might read about in Fairy Tales. He is quite clever, very friendly and enjoys meeting travellers who cross the bridge.



The Rickety Bridge is a product of numerous alterations to an existing structure that was probably intended for a different location. The bridge really does look very dilapidated and many travellers just decide to ford the river rather than risk the bridge when they see it.

The bridge has acquired an incredible patina over the years and its now impossible to see which pieces might have been part of the original structure and which have been added. Many of the timbers are rotten, and from time-to-time a good-natured traveller adds a new plank or replaces a handrail or guy-rope to try and help the bridge live a little longer.



No-one knows who actually built the Rickety bridge. It was certainly there when the Goblins came to live in the woods and it was quite a bit stronger back then.
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